
Ransomware is a type of malware that holds a victim’s sensitive data or device hostage, threatening to keep it locked—or worse—unless the victim pays a ransom to the attacker. Source: IBM.com

Context matters

If you are browsing the web, click on a link to a web page and find yourself faced with a ransomware demand, it will most likely be a bluff, a trick, or a ruse.

Your device will not have been compromised.

Press the esc key on your keyboard and try the web browser’s back button.

If you are unable to navigate away from the web page, force quit your web browser (search the web for how to do that on a different device) and then clear your web history.

Do not engage

Do not engage with a ransomware demand. Power off your device and get some good help.


Choose your friends with caution; plan your future with purpose, and frame your life with faith.

Thomas S. Monson