Getting Stuff Done with Technology toolbox

This toolbox contains….

  • Your brain (the most important tool as the other tools are useless without your guidance)
  • Menus (often contain a lot of important functionalities such as “save”)
  • Tap & other gestures (on touchscreen devices)
  • Search tool (search for what you need including apps, internet connection 🛜and files)
  • Mouse (on devices that support a mouse)
  • Keyboard (which may have special function keys and keyboard shortcuts)
  • Forms (e.g. web search boxes and message boxes)

NOTE: The mouse, your finger and the keyboard are input devices. You can use them to give your devices commands; to control them.

Clear Goals

You should have a clear idea of what you wish to accomplish before you reach into your Getting Stuff Done With Technology Toolbox.

Sketches and explanatory doodles are always a plus ✏️

Thoughtful use of the technology tools is a must

Don’t eat soup with a fork (just don’t)