
You can think of files as anything you can save to your device.

For example, when you use a text editing application to create and save a document on your device, you are creating a file.

This is the “Pictures” folder on Tech Wizard Mike’s MacBook Pro…

Each of the image files that you see in this folder were created by Henry in Venezuela 🇻🇪 with a graphics application → all of which Tech Wizard Mike subsequently downloaded to his MacBook Pro.

Storage space

Each of the files that you create on your device or download to it will take up a certain amount of storage space.

context menu summoned on a file
“Get Info” menu selection
You can also search your device for “Storage” to learn how much storage space is currently available on your device.

How do you deal with people with big egos?

I will converse with them, but I don’t get overly excited or act impressed about whatever they’re going on and on about. I don’t feed them what they crave. People with big egos are usually braggers who need a lot of attention. It’s a sign of insecurity.
