Address Bar

Context matters (i.e. where you are within your device’s “file cabinet”).

Always look for visual cues (e.g. the address bar of the window you currently have open) to determine your current location.

Windows 11

Windows 11 Home folder
If we look at the breadcrumbs within the address box, we see that this window is showing a file that is within the “Research” folder which is with the “English class” folder which is within the “Documents” folder.


MacOS folder windows do not have address bars but, as always, look for visual cues 👀

This Finder window is showing the files within a folder named “coloring book”

However, if we summon a context menu on one of the files within the coloring book folder, we learn that the coloring book folder is within the Pictures folder on this macOS computer.

Math joke

Why was the equal sign so humble? Because he knew he wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else!