Third-party software

Third-party software refers to the software that is built by a company other than the company that developed the system's OS


Norton™ Antivirus is an example of third-party software.

Did you know…?

The Windows operating system has built-in security…

In this video, we search for Windows Security and peruse the “Security at a glance” screen.

Did you also know…?

Many people (in your Tech Wizard friend’s experience) infect their devices with malware by doing things they should not (e.g. illegally downloading copyrighted materials) and by falling for scams.

No form of virus protection will prevent malware infection if you do either one.

some people think your tech wizard friend is crazy…

… and believes in UFOs because he does not use third-party virus protection software.

But the reality is Tech Wizard Mike has never experienced any malware infection on any of his devices because he does not fall for scams nor does he do anything he knows is wrong.

Therefore, third party virus protection software is not necessary — quod erat demonstrandum.

The Latin quod erat demonstrandum literally means “what was to be demonstrated.” Source:


All creativity requires some stillness.

Wayne Dyer