Website scam

Bluff definition

To engage in a false display of confidence or aggression in order to deceive or intimidate someone. Source: YourDictionary

Context matters

If a message like this appears, you need to consider your current context. Are you on a web page or did the warning message appear on your desktop? Or were you using a particular application?

Do not interact with a threatening or warning message!

What to do…

  1. If the scary message appeared when you were on a web page, close your web browser window, clear your web browsing history and stay away from the website.
  2. If the “warning” message appeared when you were using an app (such as email 📧), look through the other apps on your device because one of them might be a rogue. Delete all apps (especially shopping and game apps) that are not essential.
  3. If the “virus detected” message appeared on your desktop or home screen then you most likely have some form of malware-infection and you should consider a factory reset.

Think about what you want to do…

…and then look around for a way to do it.

Follow visual cues during technology use and peruse the menus when you need to do something.